Dare to think for yourself.
Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense.
Very learned women are to be found, in the same manner as female warriors; but they are seldom or ever inventors.
It is not known precisely where angels dwell whether in the air, the void, or the planets. It has not been God’s pleasure that we should be informed of their abode.
He who is not just is severe, he who is not wise is sad.
Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.
The mouth obeys poorly when the heart murmurs.
The way to be immortal (I mean not to die at all) is to have me for your heir. I recommend you to put me in your will and you will see that (as long as I live at least) you will never even catch cold.
Treating your adversary with respect is striking soft in battle.
I always forgive others. The anger; sadness; frustration; pain, whatever feelings I felt, no matter the hurt; the tears, I always found understanding and reason to forgive them; to not hold onto it; to not resent them. But there is one, who I never seem to be able to give absolution, and that’s myself.
A fly may sting a stately horse and make him wince; but one is but an insect, and the other is a horse still.
Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it, all others depend.
If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment.
Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.
That was Youth with its reckless exuberance when all things were possible pursued by Age where we are now, looking back at what we destroyed, what we tore away from that self who could do more, and its work that’s become my enemy because that’s what I can tell you about, that Youth who could do anything.
Fate, then, is a name for facts not yet passed under the fire of thought; for causes which are unpenetrated.
Many heroes lived before Agamemnon; but all are unknown and unwept, extinguished in everlasting night, because they have no spirited chronicler.
Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly.
That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed but that our power to do has increased.
I wish for you the wisdom to realize that forgiveness has nothing to do with an apology.
People are much more willing to lend you books than bookcases.
As you get older, you realize that no one has all the answers. It turns out that life is an exercise in living with the certainty of uncertainty. – Jason Kilar