Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.
A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.
People who are fools don’t get successful, and they don’t get to be successful if they are worried about their popularity.
It is no use saying, ‘We are doing our best.’ You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary.
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.
Success tends to go not to the person who is error-free, because he also tends to be risk-averse. Rather it goes to the person who recognizes that life is pretty much a percentage business. It isn’t making mistakes that’s critical; it’s correcting them and getting on with the principal task.
Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.
Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them.
I was determined to succeed in what I loved to do. I wasn’t going to let my disability stand in my way.
Everyone who achieves success in a great venture, solves each problem as they came to it. They helped themselves. And they were helped through powers known and unknown to them at the time they set out on their voyage. They keep going regardless of the obstacles they met.
In the end, you’re measured not by how much you undertake but by what you finally accomplish.
If I had to select one quality and one personal characteristic that I regard as being most highly correlated with success, whatever the field, I would pick persistence I and determination. The will to endure to the end, to get knocked down seventy times and get up off the floor saying, Here comes number seventy one.
The real secret to success is enthusiasm.
Whenever I hear it cant be done, I know I am close to success.
One of the problems when you become successful is that jealousy and envy inevitably follow. There are people-I categorize them as life’s losers-who get their sense of accomplishment and achievement from trying to stop others. As far as I’m concerned, if they had any real ability they wouldn’t be fighting me, they’d be doing something constructive themselves.
I must be taken as I have been made. The success is not mine, the failure is not mine, but the two together make me.
Once a man has made a commitment to a way of life, he puts the greatest strength in the world behind him. It’s something we call heart power. Once a man has made this commitment, nothing will stop him short of success.
The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.
Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying.
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
You’ve achieved success in your field when you don’t know whether what you’re doing is work or play.