All this is only for the mice and myself to admire!
For to tempt and to be tempted are things very nearly allied – whenever feeling has anything to do in the matter, no sooner is it excited than we have already gone vastly farther than we are aware of.
The title of Queen rang sweet to my ears, child though I was. … This idea of a crown began running in my head then like a tune, and has been running a lot in it ever since.
Your wit makes others witty.
A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache.
The more a man knows, the more he forgives.
Nothing is more difficult, in my opinion, than to avoid something that fundamentally attracts you.
I sincerely want peace, not because I lack resources for war, but because I hate bloodshed.
“You should know our mania for building is stronger than ever. It is a diabolical thing. It consumes money and the more you build, the more you want to build. It’s a sickness like being addicted to alcohol.
Tell a thousand people to draft a letter, let them debate every phrase, and see how long it takes and what you get.
Don’t worry about things you cannot alter.
I may be kindly, I am ordinarily gentle, but in my line of business I am obliged to will terribly what I will at all.
Experience shows that the frequent use of severe punishment has never rendered a people better. The death of a criminal is a less effective means of restraining crimes than the permanent example of a man deprived of his liberty during the whole of his life to make amends for the injury he has done to the public.
You were in a mood to quarrel. Please inform me once the inclination passes.
One does not always do the best there is. One does the best one can. – Catherine the Great
Madame, you must be gay; only thus can life be endured. I speak from experience for I have had to endure much, and have only been able to endure it because I have always laughed whenever I had the chance.
In my position you have to read when you want to write and to talk when you would like to read.
Power without a nation’s confidence is nothing.
Men make love more intensely at 20, but make love better, however, at 30.
If Russians knew how to read they would write me off.
The laws ought to be so framed as to secure the safety of every citizen as much as possible. … Political liberty does not consist in the notion that a man may do whatever he pleases; liberty is the right to do whatsoever the laws allow. … The equality of the citizens consists in that they should all be subject to the same laws.
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